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Art Information Sheet Seven : Gerald Chukwuma's World Without War

picture of Yemisi Shylon museum
Jan 14, 2021

As a painter, Chukwuma became acquainted with the Uli style of representation which was prevalent at the time. While studying painting at Nsukka, Chukwuma had admiration and interest in other art forms. In the artist’s words; "people often see a striking resemblance between the work of Africa’s most famous contemporary artist, Professor El Anatsui’s wooden slats and that of mine. While I never studied directly under Anatsui (he taught sculpture and I graduated with a degree in painting), I was nevertheless influenced by his works and give credit to the great teacher’s impact in my seminal wood pieces…From this vantage point, it is exciting to see how my colors and techniques, coupled with this bold style has matured into a distinct expression of its own.”

To know more about Gerald Chukwuma and his work ‘World Without War”, click on the link below to download the information sheet.

Gerald Chukwuma's World Without War