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Art Information Sheet Twenty-Three- Erabor Emokpae’s Iya Abiku

picture of Yemisi Shylon museum
Mar 28, 2025

Erabor Emokpae was a Sculptor, painter, and graphic artist of deep intellectual reasoning. He is also known for his contribution to the planning and execution of the Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC) held in Lagos, Nigeria in 1977. His work “Iya Abiku” discussed in this paper was also exhibited at this historical festival. The work title; ‘Iya Abiku” is a Yoruba phrase that refers to a mother of a spirit child.

To know more about Erabor Emokpae and his work, “Iya Abiku”, click on the link below to download the information sheet.

Erabor Emokpae’s Iya Abiku