We're Open: Tuesday - Saturday (10:00am - 4: 00pm), & Sundays (12:00pm - 4:00pm)


YSMA x Google

picture of Yemisi Shylon museum
Oct 06, 2021

Yemisi Shyllon Museum of Art, Pan-Atlantic University, now features on Google Arts & Culture as part of an online initiative to facilitate the educational mission of the teaching museum. Over 26 virtual exhibitions are now available to a wider and more diverse audience, to be explored and interacted with using high-resolution image technology.

Google Arts & Culture is an online initiative committed to cultural preservation and education on a global scale and we are glad and proud of the opportunity to partner with them to make meaningful impact in art and culture. This partnership is a catalyst for us to engage more viewers gained from the it wide reach.

Without physically visiting the YSMA, you can connect to the culturally significant artefacts and masterpieces by the likes of Lamidi Fakeye, Ben Enwonwu, Bruce Onabrakpeya and Nike Davies-Okudaye, providing you an immersive and educational experience without no comfort spared from you.

YSMA X Google